
Cover of Twin Cities Lux and Fashion

Ok, so here is the cover and editorial from Twin Cities Luxury and Fashion Magazine on stands now!
Also, I have decided to share  a quote every time I do a post to share ideas or thoughts that inspire me.  Thank you for reading!
"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward." Henry Ford.


Twin City Magazine Cover Shoot

When my dear friend Grant Whittaker, Senior Style Editor of Twin Cities Luxury and Fashion magazine asked me to appear on the cover for their next issue, I was honored to say the least. The the 10 page fashion editorial  inside was all about the jet setting  lifestyle of entrepreneur Dena Cali. Lounging on my 14 million dollar jet, flying my helicopter, taking the Bentley coupe for a spin and playing with all of my other toys had me feeling way too fabulous.  After a very long and cold two day shoot, a closet full of couture, a million in diamonds, 12 designer hand bags and 90 thousand dollar diamond studded shoes later, i thought OK I'm a successful business woman,  why don't I have a jet?  After all i have to be thankful for in this life time, i was still thinking about what i didn't have and then i remembered one of my favorite quotes, 
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things hoped for." Epicurus
I am humbly thankful for all I have been blessed with in this life and all of the love I have been blessed to be able to share with those I hold close.  If I was to be stripped of all material possessions, I am thankful to say that my life would still be full with love.
For that I am truly thankful.
The magazine hits stands next week. Here are some behind the scene photos from the shoot. Never stop giving thanks!
Photos courtesy of  Nicole Houff Photography